From Imagination to Reality: Crafting Cthulhu Rises!! and Holiday Rollout

Designing a board game is a journey brimming with creativity, testing, and fine-tuning, but nothing quite compares to that pivotal moment when you transition from sketches and prototypes to production. Today, I’m thrilled to share that Cthulhu Rises!! and Holiday Rollout have reached this exciting stage. Both games are not only designed but officially on the path to becoming tangible products, with dice and tokens already ordered and production underway! Next up, is to get quotes and timelines for cards, boxes, and instructions.

Where It All Began: Ideas in Motion

Holiday Rollout started as a festive dice-rolling challenge, with characters like Krampus and the Headless Horseman. I wanted players to experience a race of strategy and luck, with each roll bringing players closer to holiday-themed chaos. Cthulhu Rises!!, on the other hand, came from my fascination with the Lovecraftian mythos and my family’s obsession with hidden identity games. Here players battle wits with the fate of the world in the balance.

Design Process: From Sketches to Playtesting

Designing these games involved numerous sketches, countless notes, and seemingly endless playtesting sessions. Each game had its unique challenges: balancing the powers and stakes in Cthulhu Rises!! and making sure that every roll in Holiday Rollout felt intense and rewarding, whether you were winning or scrambling to catch up. The initial concepts evolved significantly through each iteration, fueled by feedback from play-testers and my own ever-evolving vision for the final experience.

Bringing Ideas to Life: Production Begins

With the designs finalized, I’ve moved into the production phase. Sourcing the components that make each game come alive has been an adventure in itself. I’ve tracked down the right suppliers for custom dice and tokens that match the spirit of each game. Seeing these elements, actual pieces players will hold and interact with, has been surreal and deeply satisfying. There's something uniquely thrilling about handling the components that will soon find their way to players’ hands.

What’s Next?

Now comes the final production push. Each piece of the puzzle is falling into place, but there are still steps ahead. Boxes, instructions, and cards will soon be on their way. After some assembly, I’ll soon be holding the complete games in hand, ready for their debut. The anticipation is intense, like the last deep breath while the final die spins on the table.

Keep watch, friends; the wait is nearly over, and soon, these games will be ready to claim their place on your shelves and tables!


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